jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Circuito de Montmeló

El próximo martes 26 de Octubre, unos cuantos iremos a rodar al Circuito de Montmelo

Para quien se quiera apuntar:

Lugar: Circuito de Montmeló

Horario: 18:30 -22:00

Precio: 5€

Y para que veais lo que os espera, os paso video de ARGON MAFIA.


Apetece, no?



2 comentarios:

  1. hey sergio

    Loving the blog posts. Just about to buy a road bike in the US which should help me get back in shape. Next year Ill definitely be doing my first triathlon!!! Hope all is well and keep u the hard work on the blog
    Steve, Santa Barbara California

  2. Hi Jenny,

    Could you give me your email adress.

    I will write you on monday/tuesday.

    Right now Im in London

    Take care

    Sergio (my email: ssotilla12@gmail.com)

